Morning Motivator - Prepare for Anything

"The only constant is change."
- Unknown

Do you know what made BlackBerry® such a world wide SUCCESS? The device allows you to be PREPARED for change.

In the airport, if delayed, you can UTILIZE your time effectively and knock out the emails you haven't attended yet. In the event an appointment is CANCELLED, you are able to quickly reschedule and confirm from the device itself!

The Boys Scouts had it figures out long ago... ALWAYS BE PREPARED! You may never need to spring into action, but it sure is nice to have the TOOLS to do it!

Understanding that you have very LITTLE control over your environment, allows you to "pre-succeed."

When you are PREPARED for the unexpected, you are already in a position to succeed during that time of turmoil.

Educate yourself. Have the right tools available. Ask for help.

These steps WILL help you always be prepared for the unexpected!!


*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to –

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