Morning Motivator - A Disaster May Save Your Life 

"Only after disaster can we be resurrected."
- Chuck Palahniuk 

I must predicate this MM, with my deepest sorrows for all those whom lost their lives in the Nashville floods, as well as all those from other major disasters.  I pray your families and loved ones peace through their sorrows. 

Disasters are INEVITABLE.  We can prepare DILIGENTLY with all our capacities, and still, we will never be as prepared as possible.  Inevitably, you WILL be affected by a tragedy you never planned for – the loss of a loved one, a fire in your home, the elimination of your job – all are disasters (albeit not in the same scale as others). 

Yet, a disaster is an OPPORUNITY - a chance for you to REBUILD and REALIGN your purpose with your being.  We are all so easily DRAWN off track with our "success and goals" that we lose FOCUS of what our purpose and affect are truly to be.  We fail to see the VALUE of our teaching, leadership, as we BLINDLY pursue wealth without rationale. 

Now I am the FIRST to say that you should be able to make as much money as you want.  The government should NOT put limitations on any one individual… and yet, I do feel PASSIONATLEY that you must pursue wealth with purpose. 

Once affected by a disaster, you are forced to look at your life, your loved ones and your values.  You must ASSESS and REASSESS the reasons you are doing what you do.  To give your kids a BETTER life?  How?  To help people achieve THEIR goals?  In what way? 

From the disaster, you are given a REBIRTH.  You are given the chance to start FRESH.  What was yesterday is just that, a past memory.  Your FUTURE is now – bold, daring, unlimited. 

Take this day and CHANGE your world for the better, and accept the DISASTER as a gift.  One that may just save your life…


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