Morning Motivator – Stay Focused & Positive 

"In order to succeed, people need a sense of self-efficacy, struggle together with resilience to meet the inevitable obstacles and inequities of life."
- Albert Bandura 

In my wonderful city of Nashville, we are learning a lesson of RESILIENCE.  While not MEASUREABLE to the devastation of New Orleans, we are faced with similar struggles of rebuilding from a shocking blow of historic flooding. 

Our lives, our careers or pursuits are all TEMPERED by our resilience.  You may lose your job without warning, and still you must find a way to OVERCOME financial constraints.  You may lose your home in a massive storm, and you will be TESTED to rebuild your dreams and hope in security.  You may lose a loved one and be CHALLENGED in your faith in GOD. 

All in all, it will be your ability to stay FOCUSED and POSITIVE through these challenges that will shape your character.  Shaping the character that will provide you the CONSCIOUS to help others in their time of need.  Shaping the vision to see the WORLD through a bigger lens and see the real PURPOSE for your actions.  Shaping the EDUCATION you will pass to others from your experience. 

There is no MAGIC PILL for facing the CHALLENGES of life.  

Your job, security, finances, relationships, even loved ones are ALWAYS at risk.  You can lose it all in the fail swoop of chance.  And yet, over many centuries, we have still continued on. We have TRIUMPHED through battles, disasters, financial collapse, political debacle, death, disease and more.  And yet, we have continued on. 

There will be many more challenges, most of which you will NEVER see coming… and if you can be RESILIANT, stay FOCUSED and POSITIVE… 

You WILL continue on.  

My prayers are focused on those in my community faced with flooding and personal loss.  May you find your resilience quick.  And if needed, contact me to help you continue on.


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