Morning Motivator - Expose Yourself to Success

"It is only when you can see what you 'could be' that you are able to be what you 'should be.'"
- Anonymous

When you were a child, what did you WANT to be? A doctor? A lawyer? A police officer?

Did you ever CONSIDER becoming a music producer? A video game developer? How about a marine biologist?

Everyone TOYED with the ideas of being on of the professions at the top... Why?! Everyone KNEW what those jobs were. Very few of us knew of music production or marine biology. How could we be what we COULD NOT see!?

Our challenge is that we weren't AWARE (or educated) enough about all of our options.

While there are many "unique thinkers" in the world... Very few of us have that special skill. Thus, the vast MAJORITY of us need to be exposed to success to achieve it.

By ASSOCIATING with others that are successful, in varied capacities, you are able to EXPAND your reality to include multiple options.

Your parents always said your FRIENDS define who you are... So find SUCCESSFUL friends and learn from them.

Too often, success is just "being there" around the right people.


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