Morning Motivator - Stay Committed!

"When you say 'I do' that's a commitment you can't take back."
- Unknown

I overhead someone say this last night in regard to my upcoming nuptials. I thought it was a very APPROPRIATE comment.

Commitment, whether marriage or work, is about DEDICATION and PERSEVERANCE. To achieve SUCCESS from our Commitments, we must understand that every day requires BEST EFFORTS!

The typical sales person QUITS calling a client after 3 attempts! A sales PROFESSIONAL knows it takes 5 to 7 attempts before most new clients take action.

The professional UNDERSTANDS their commitment and STAYS with it!

I chose this Morning Motivator as I thought it was appropriately timed with my WEDDING tomorrow.

Understanding what COMMITTMENT means in terms of effort, sacrifice, disappointments and joy, provides PERSPECITVE for us all as we take on LASTING relationships.

Whether your spouse, family or clients, STAY COMMITTED to their success! Help others find HAPPINESS and your success will be found along side theirs...

As a note, the Morning Motivator will be taking a break to HONEYMOON next week and will pick back up July 6th. Thank you for your continued COMMITTMENT to growth, learning and leadership!


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Sales person - 7 times

No mm next week


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