Morning Motivator – You vs. Your Ego

"The ego isn't wrong: it's just unconscious… Don't take the ego too seriously."
- Eckhart Tolle, Author of 'A New Earth:  Awakening to Your Life's Purpose' 

I am reading a NEW book given to me by a very good friend, David Oliphant of NationLink Wireless in Franklin, TN.  (Thanks DO!) 

I must say, I have been ENJOYING its challenging and deep perspectives on ego and self. Within the book, thus far, is a discussion on how the EGO overcomes self and is the causal factor in our IDENTIFICATION.  Simply put, we are not ourselves, as much as we are the collection of thoughts and emotions expressed by our minds most simple function: EGO. 

As an example, I am finally coming to grips with the fact that my greatest professional SHORTCOMING is that I take FAILURES personally – very deeply personally at that.  I do not mean big failures, rather simple ones, such as an unproductive phone call. 

While I do BELIEVE that you must take personal ownership for results (i.e. ACCOUNTABILITY), one cannot allow for ones "self" to be defined by the results of an uncontrollable interaction with another EGO-DRIVEN human being… (I told you it was deep) 


The REALITY is this.  You ARE a top notch, high quality person REGARDLESS of your failures, achievements, possessions, etc.  

Your ability to finish TPS reports effectively or close 99% of sales calls DOES NOT define you as a person. 

To gain success, we must move past the SHALLOW emotions we feel that drive our behaviors and into a HIGHER understanding of personal self worth. 

Once you REALIZE that you are EXCEPTIONAL and that your success is a result of your FOCUSED EFFORTS, not divine selection, then you will attain your goals much faster. 

Remember to stay GROUNDED… that nasty little EGO can find ways to SABOTAGE you from many angles!  (Now go kick some butt today!) 

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