Morning Motivator - Get in Your "Success Position"

"A great coach wasn't always a great player. Rather, he was a great teacher that new his limits."
- Unknown

I am continually SHOCKED at how often a GREAT leader is sabotaged by misaligned positioning.

As much as you may want a great SALES person to be a great MANAGER, it doesn't always work. A great ACCOUNTANT doesn't always make for an exceptional CFO. (Even though you may think each would)

Leadership and management are special skills, similar to "attention to detail" and "time management." Still, you find TOP PRODUCERS being pulled from successful roles into leadership and vice versa.

Business owners will still ask, "if they cannot do the low level function, how can they manage and lead?"

Management is NOT production. The skills are not RELATED at all.

Leadership is a COMMITTMENT of teaching and self-sacrifice for the enhancement of another (which in turn advances your goals also).

Understand, your SUCCESS is as much about "positioning" as it is "skills." Find yourself in the wrong role and you will have an IMMEDIATE cap on your potential.

As you seek career and life opportunities, be mindful of your natural skills and find a COMPLIMENTARY role to them. Don't jam the square peg in the round hole... Because even if you get it through, it will be a painfully bad fit.

It is from a complimentary role that you will find the GROWTH and CREATIVITY to achieve greatly!


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