Morning Motivator - What Are Your Options?

"Options - the ability to choose - is real power."
- Tim Ferriss, author of "The Four Hour Work Week"

Have you ever CONSIDERED when you are at your most relaxed and confident? Was it when you were FORCED into a situation... Or... When you had TOTAL CONTROL?

The ABILITY to choose your own involvement, level of engagement, amount of investment, etc is what you SHOULD be seeking in your life. CHOOSING your career, relationships and educational path will provide you with a HEIGHTENED level of FULFILLMENT.
Now THE question becomes, "How do I create more options for myself?"

There are a few QUICK and SIMPLE ways to better your options:

1. CONNECTIVITY: if you know more (and better) people, you will have greater access and opportunity

2. EDUCATION: if you know more than the next guy, you will have much greater opportunities (remember an expert is someone that knows more than others, not everything)

3. SERVICE: find ways to help others create more opportunities and you will inherently create more for yourself. (We most often take care of those that care for us, right?)

The BEST attribute of these 3 action items: YOU have the OPTION to choose each action today!!

WOW! You ARE powerful...


*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to –

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