Morning Motivator – Now Hiring

"A perfectionist is someone that uses their inability to be complete a project as a badge of honor."
- Zachary Barker

Job postings are a FAILURE from the beginning as they recruit the most FLEXIBLE and least EFFECTIVE person for the job.  Pick up a paper and you will see what I mean, as they ask for long-term success oriented people (for an entry-level job), multi tasking, detail oriented, and self-starters.  Blah, blah, blah…

If I were to write a job posting, I would right it something like this:

"Seeking laser-focused and short-term goal driven professionals.  Experience desired, effectiveness required.  Must not multi task – ever!  Prefer individuals seeking to work as few hours per week as possible.  Social life required.  Perfectionists need not apply."

How is that for ANTI-CORPORATE?  Actually, its intent is to be everything we REALLY want in someone, but will not say as we have adopted "success buzz words" such as dynamic, detail oriented and multi-tasking.  BLAH!!

Let us analyze what we really want in a worker:

-  FOCUSED:   having the ability to execute on one task until completion without deviation
-  SHORT TERM DRIVEN:  has a plan for where they are going and understands how to execute
-  EFFECTIVE:  experience is fine, but effective is better.  Sitting on a job for 6 years does not make you better than the new person that won all of last year's awards
-  NON MULTI-TASKING:  see FOCUSED.  Multi tasking is an exercise in the inability to prioritize
-  WORK AS FEW HOURS AS POSSIBLE:  You always accomplish more the day before vacation.  Focus has a way of doing that.  ENCOURAGE it!
-  SOCIAL LIFE REQUIRED:  The quickest way to burn out is 15-hour days and 80-hour weeks.  Don't do i
-  NO PERFECTIONISTS WANTED:  Good is good enough.  Perfect is a waste of time and a crutch for those who wear that label.  Get on with it already!!

Next time you think about who you work with or where you want to work.  Consider the CULTURE.  Does it ENCOURAGE traditional ineffective behavior or supports EXECUTION with reward?



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