"Waiting is a trap. There will always be reasons to wait. The truth is, there are only two things in life, reasons and results, and reasons simply don't count."
-Dr. Robert Anthony
I am almost used yesterday's quote about the enemy of good being great (actually, I guess I just did use it), however, I want to DRIVE home the idea that waiting until you are "ready" is a DANGEROUS game.
Often, ideas are generated that are "half baked." They are full of INSPIRATION and MOTIVATION, even though they lack ORGANIZATION. As control freaks, we all want every idea to have a GUARANTEE of success on it. (We cannot afford to FAIL, right?) We want all the answers about who, what, when, where, why and mostly, HOW MUCH!
REALITY is this: Organization and structure can be added on methodically day in and day out. MOTIVATION and INSPIRATION are rare, extremely valuable commodities. It does not ARRIVE often and when it does, it is FLEETING. Simply put, you can always make an idea better… but RARELY can you build motivation, later on.
When someone tells you WAIT, you are forced to do a "GUT CHECK." This is the same gut check that told you to play your back up QB in fantasy football when all the others say no. The same gut check that told you to go on just one more date with that person (that you later married).
If YOUR motivation, inspiration, passion, resolve, interest, focus, etc is HIGH enough and your gut says "GO!," then take a chance on yourself. A strong resolve and the proper amount of passion can OVERCOME almost any deficiency in planning and execution.
Build with INSPIRATION, organize with INTELLECT. And NEVER let a good jolt of motivation go wasted…
*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to – http://grow-learn-lead.blogspot.com
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