Morning Motivator – Don’t Complain If…

"Bad politicians are sent to Washington by good people who don't vote."
-  William E. Simon

I am going to keep today's Morning Motivator very short and simple so I don't take your TIME from what you MUST do today.

Voting is the RIGHT of citizens to elect their representation that makes decisions on their behalf.  You DO NOT live in a democracy.  You live in a democratic republic.  You elect people to speak on YOUR behalf.  WHO you put there is VERY important!

My only DIRECT comment to you is this…

If you DO NOT vote, you DO NOT get to complain.  Take CONTROL of your government by electing the people that best represent YOUR interests.  Failure to act is a death sentence to those that SHARE your values.

Today's GOAL:  GO VOTE!

Don't be SILENT.  Make NOISE.  Vote your TAIL off!



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