Morning Motivator – Pushing Your Patience

"Slow and steady wins the race."

Do you remember being a small child?  What day seemed like it took the most time to finally arrive?  For me it was Christmas.  December would start and it would seem like DECADES passed before Christmas finally arrived…

Nowadays, the next big deal is my "Christmas effect."  I cannot wait for others to FINALLY understand the opportunity that I see clear as I day.  It feels like it takes FOREVER for others to understand that advantages they will gain from being involved in the things I believe in.  People just never react as QUICKLY as I wish they would.

The question becomes, "Do I stay patient and wait for them to come around OR push them a little bit and force a reaction?"

More PASSIVE people will tell you to wait, allow the people you seek to come to you in their own time on their own terms.  AGGRESSIVE natured people will say PUSH…PUSH…PUSH… then push some more until you get a decision, a reaction or any type of action whatsoever.

I am UNCLEAR yet which is more effective.  I am an AGGRESSIVE natured person, so I find that I am a bit more "pressing" than others are naturally.  With this understanding, my wonderment then becomes if I "PUSH" people, am I pushing too hard because I am already so aggressive?

A wise business woman Saturday with me a few nights ago and said that her best advice was this: "Go with your gut.  All the research and reports will tell you things you may need to know, but when it matters most, go with your gut!"

Maybe there is no lesson today… just a question and a gut check.  How would you handle it?



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