Morning Motivator – Now the Next Steps…

"As soon as the boss decides he wants his workers to do something, he has two problems: making them do it and monitoring what they do."
-  Robert Krulwich

WELL DONE to any of you that voted yesterday...  For those that did NOT, shame on you for not taking the opportunity to influence the government that DOES have major influence into how YOU define success.   Sorry if you feel that is harsh, but we must take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for our leadership.

Now that the votes are in and the decisions are made, it is the OBLIGATION of us, as constituents, to MONITOR and hold ACCOUNTABLE our leadership.  As the quote above states, our challenge, as the people that "hired' our representation, is to see that these EMPLOYEES of the people, do as they were elected to do.

Do you agree that our POLITICAL EMPLOYEES owe us that much?

LEADERSHIP is an HONOR bestowed upon individuals that have the SKILL to separate personal agenda for community representation.  In politics, we find that "leaders" often sell us on HOW they will represent our interests, only to achieve office and then drive personal agendas.

This type of leadership can only be QUENCHED by a society of active individuals who are VOCAL and INVOLVED in their representation.

We must find and elect LEADERS that understand their role is as a REPRESENTATIVE, not of themselves, but of the people that chose them.  Their personal interests are SECONDARY, much like a parent and their children. 

Remember, in two years, YOU will be asked to take leadership of your vote, cast it and choose wisely the people that REPRESENT you…  choose wisely indeed, then hold them ACCOUNTABLE along the way!



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