Morning Motivator – Real Change is Opportunity

"Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber."
-  Plato

Last night, I had the great pleasure of making the acquaintance of Louisiana Senator Elbert Guillory.  In our chat, we had a wonderful discussion about the "self-sacrificing" nature required of GREAT leaders.

LEADERSHIP, as noted in the most recent Morning Motivator's, is an honor given to an individual to REPRESENT his or her people.  More interesting is the AWARENESS that the individual must possess to understand that their "bubble" is not exclusive and that their actions do have REAL effects upon others.

As younger leaders begin to accept true LEADERSHIP roles, we must continually remind them that REAL CHANGE comes from an understanding of the community and its people.  We must provide OPPORTUNITY for each to take personal responsibility for their actions, as well as be accountable for poor decisions.

As leaders, we must continually focus on ways to provide MORE access to success and allow people to choose that path.  The continuation of "support programs" will continue to cause apathy amongst the communities regardless of socio-economic backgrounds.

Sure, the playing field probably is not always level.  The OPPORTUNITY can be though. 

I cannot say I grew up "privileged" or "well to do", however, through a continual focus on SELF-EDUCATION and PERSONAL BETTERMENT, I have found OPPORTUNITIES through others to better my situation.

Seriously, I befriended a Senator solely because I was not afraid to approach and talk to him… now how DIFFICULT was that?!



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