Morning Motivator – I’ll Do It Tomorrow…

"How soon 'not now' becomes 'never'."
- Martin Luther

Best friends become "old friends" and lifelong dreams become "fantasies" of a youthful mind grown old.  WHY? 

PROCRASTINATION is the worst enemy of all GREAT ideas.  A new business, a fun night out, maintaining the friendships that are no longer "convenient."  Sure, we are all hesitant to COMMIT to things months in advance or are BOGGED DOWN by the idea of having sketch out all the details, but, it is our PROCRASTINATION of taking ANY action that is the nail in the coffin.

You want to start a new business?  Set a date!  Start working towards it today.  If you achieve it or not does not matter.  It is the fact you have STARTED to take action that will determine your success.

Trips, business ideas, even a session in the gym – all are KILLED daily by the "do it later" gremlin. 

There is no MAGIC REMEDY for solving procrastination.  It is a BEHAVIORAL condition, commonly driven by a FEAR of failure, not as much laziness.

Want to start OVERCOMING your bad behavior?  Think of one thing you have been putting off and GO DO IT TODAY!!  Just start it, in whatever form, and when you get as far as you can – put the next step in your calendar and repeat.  Do it NOW! 



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