Morning Motivator – What’s It Gonna Take?

"Change the changeable, accept the unchangeable, and remove yourself from the unacceptable."
- Denis Waitley

Work sucks.  I need to lose weight.  I cannot find the right guy/girl.  I am tired of being broke.  How often do you hear THESE complaints?  SERIOUSLY… WHAT'S IT GONNA TAKE TO MAKE SOME CHANGES?

CHANGE is the most difficult of all SELF IMPROVEMENT activities.  It is easy to read a book, buy new gym clothes, or go to a bar.  It is CHALLENGING to IMPLEMENT from that book, actually get your tail in the gym and work, or TALK to new people at the bar.  The ACTION step is where most people fail…

Why do we HESITATE to make change?  The most likely answer is that we are LAZY creatures.  We would rather stay COMFORTABLE in a lesser position, than experience the PAIN associated with bettering ourselves.

Welfare, obesity, loneliness, substance abuse and more are EXAMPLES of "settling" for your current situation as a way to AVOID the pain of change.

Often, the phrase, "hitting rock bottom", is used in substance abuse cases, however, it is APPLICABLE to all scenarios where change is involved.  You don't hit the gym until your favorite pants no longer fit or someone asks you if you are pregnant (especially awful as a guy).  You FINALLY cannot take anymore…

Do not wait to BOTTOM OUT… Make the positive change you need today.  COMMIT to 30 days of change.  Gym, cold calls, joining a new social group, whatever it takes!  If you FULLY COMMIT to one month of change and do not see positive results – call me – I will personally and publicly tell you that I am sorry!



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