Morning Motivator – A Mini-Revolution

"Every generation needs a new revolution."
-Thomas Jefferson

Are you happy with the same old, same old of everyday life?  What happened to the DREAMS you had as a kid and in college of the ways you would change the world?  Have you been BEATEN DOWN by the establishment in such a way that you believe success in now achieved by moving up the CORPORATE ladder?

Maybe you can do something DRASTIC… like start a MINI-REVOLUTION.

I am NOT suggesting government coup or overthrowing your boss in a hostile takeover.  I AM suggesting stirring the pot with some similarly valued people, motivating them to TAKE ACTION on something meaningful.  What is MEANINGFUL?  That is a question YOU have to answer…

A REVOLUTION is a change to the traditional way of doing things.  A revolution can be ANYTHING you want that makes you happy, improves your lifestyle or creates betterment for those you care for.

Are you an ATHLETE?  Consider starting a sports club.  Are you an INTELLECTUAL?  What if you started a professional development group for specific professionals?  Are you a PARTY animal?  What about starting a "beer club" where you meet monthly at a local spot to sample the tasty beverages?

There are PLENTY of ways to CHANGE your surroundings and better your SITUATION.  What is MISSING most often?  A LEADER.  If YOU want change, you must be the one to INSTIGATE it!

Be a REVOLUTIONARY… take the LEADERSHIP role you are destined to own!



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