Morning Motivator – 2 Degrees of Change

"Ok Zach, What is the 2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP all about?"
- Many many readers

Often I am asked why I put "2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP" at the bottom of each Morning Motivator.  Simple answer is that you should be paying attention as that is the "lesson" of the Morning Motivator.  The more complicated answer is that I have a belief in 2 degrees of change.

Here is the rationale.  In order for any individual to make MEANINGFUL change in their life, they must cease doing the behaviors that are destructive and engage in positive activities.  A good example is weight loss.  If you eat junk food, you are unlikely to appreciate working out and very unlikely to start eating a strict diet.

In order to make a MEANINGFUL and SUSTAINABLE change you must make a 180 degree turn in your life.  Most "programs" last 90 days in making these changes, thus, a "2 degree" change daily will result in a 180-degree turn to success!!

Meaningful CHANGE is made is small, sustainable increments.  Drastic change often FEELS good – like wiping your desk clean of clutter, throwing away a bunch of garbage right before the weekend, yet, by next Friday, it has all returned.

If you seek to make change, you must RECOGNIZE the place you currently reside.  Then, you must IDENTIFY the results you seek to gain from your change.  Finally, you must set the PATH to change.  Small, simple, manageable steps are the key. 

Expect to stumble, but do it in a way that is RECOVERABLE.  If you make a 90-degree change today and fail tomorrow, you start over.  If you make a 2-degree change and fail in 90 days, you only have to regain the 2 degrees…

Make a POSITIVE change… 2 degrees at a time.


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