Morning Motivator – Lost in Ignorance

"I am sorry; we don't know what the issue is."
- American Airlines

It is 7:33am.  My flight was for 7:00am this morning.  American Airlines OWES me 33 minutes (at this point). 

My issue, shared by many others, is not that plane is DELAYED; rather that no one seems to have any understanding of WHY it is late.  With no attendant at the counter, no email update with the email they asked to keep me "updated on important news" with or even an update on the main flight board.  It just says, "DELAYED"…

FRUSTRATION is a cause of a lack of understanding and feeling of INEQUITY.  The perceived loss of control one has over their own being ESCALATES frustration to anger.  I am getting closer…  now, 7:39am.

When ENGAGING a client or business partner, one will find that a simple phone call or email that informs the other person that you "don't have the information yet, but am working on it," is PRICELESS.  Waiting until you "have" the information is a cop-out for those that are afraid to approach their client.

ALLEVIATE frustration by keeping clients from being "lost in ignorance."  Pop a quick email, make a short, if even painful phone call or stop by, shake a hand and share some love.  People will FORGIVE your ignorance if you do not force-feed it to them.

Do not RENT responsibility… OWN IT!  Be up front with your people and always let them know where things stand, even if they have not yet moved.  Your WILLINGNESS to own their frustration will reward you with IMMENSE respect and loyalty.

Learn something new this weekend… then email me and tell me how awesome it was!!


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