Morning Motivator – Plan for the Worst, Wait, No…

"Our generation has an incredible amount of realism, yet at the same time it loves to complain and not really change. Because, if it does change, then it won't have anything to complain about."
-  Tori Amos

My best friend, Todd Shafer, has a famous quote.  He says, "I am not a pessimist, I am a realist."  Calling him a "BUZZ KILL" usually follows, as I am a perpetual OPTIMIST.

There is an interesting DIFFERENCE between those that are "realists" versus an "optimist," namely the fact that they deal only with today.  An optimist prepares only for tomorrow and a pessimist is stuck in the past.  So who is right?

All.  None. 

A SAVVY business person must make adjustments to today's situations based on experience from past ventures.  The PROFESSIONAL also prepares for the future with an EXPECTATION of success.

If you only planned for your future based of today's successes, you would never be able to grow and expand your business, or your successes in self.  If you only plan and prepare for the future without regard of the past or today's current environment, you may be PREPARING for something that will never arrive.

NEVER plan for the worst!  Expect the BEST, prepare accordingly and make sure to use the information you have immediately, with an understanding of the past successes or failures.  If you work today for the BEST tomorrow, you will find that the past doesn't matter…

How's that for being a "realist?"


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