Morning Motivator – Cooking Up Business

"It is just like cooking.  So much work and preparation for just a few minutes."
- Kelley Anderson, Tobacco Free Living (Louisiana) 

A Morning Motivator hit me in the face today at a Press Conference this morning when the above quote was made.  WOW!  Business is just like cooking!!

Any good business has to work and prepare itself to be in a POSITION for success.  There are countless hours and sacrifices made in order to have the OPPORTUNITY to perform exceptionally in the brief window openings in life.

Those that spend time COOKING UP new and better relationships, often find that the "taste of success" is much sweeter and more fulfilling.  Those that seek to "nuke it" with a MICROWAVE-type approach will find their success bland and uninspiring. 

The time and attention you spend on your clients, future clients, friends and colleagues WILL directly affect your ability to be successful.

If you are continually preparing relationships WITHIN your business, you will find that the operational efficiency increases with improved alliances and mutual respects.

If you are continually preparing relationships OUTSIDE your business, you will find increased productivity from shorter sales cycles and increased referrals.

If you think you can just show up, throw up and the BLOW it up – you better start "warming up your resume" because that is the only thing that is going to be cooking for you soon enough!

Are you preparing your OPPORTUNITY feast properly??


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