Morning Motivator – Become Underwhelmed

"Sound character provides the power with which a person may ride the emergencies of life instead of being overwhelmed by them. Failure is... the highway to success."
-  Og Mandino

What happens when you have TOO MUCH work and TOO LITTLE time? 

The intense feeling of being OVERWHELMED "kicks in."  That feeling of anxiety coupled with the pressure of timelines and tasks that are more for your system than can be efficiently managed.

What if you changed your PERSPECTIVE on the way you managed your stress?  What if you sought out the need to be "UNDERWHELMED" as opposed to managing at a standard capacity – your comfort zone?

Changing the way you think can also change the way you work.  If you work in a manner that is TARGETED towards increasing down time and eliminating "rush work," you will find yourself in a state of underwhelming execution. 

Does that sound BORING?  Maybe.  Does it sound LIBERATING?  Absolutely!

When you eliminate all the crap from your day and get your basic operations to a point of simplistic execution, you allow yourself the FREEDOMS to explore creative opportunity, social engagements and deepen relationships.

What would you rather do… be overwhelmed by work or exploring new ways to do more, better, faster?!


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