"Just because you are smart, does not mean you cannot act stupid."
- Christopher Lloyd
Why do the SMARTEST people always seem to get the BEST answers out of people? They know how to act dumb…
Being dumb and acting dumb are two VERY different things. One if genetic, passed on to you by your parents. One is learned and mastered by the BEST professionals.
What is the one of the best ways to act dumb? ASK MANY QUESTIONS. Ask questions in a manner that forces others to go into vast detail about their operations, systems and expectations. Ask them in a way that INFLATES their ego and allows them the opportunity to demonstrate their superior intelligence or execution.
Just keep asking…
The key to getting and gaining more information than you give is learning the IDEAL manners in which to ask questions.
To understand how to do so, look to experts that have mastered it as well - Donald Trump, Tony Robbins, or even Barack Obama. All have mastered the ART of seeming clueless about a subject in order to extricate the ideal amount of information for the purposes that they deem PRIORITY.
Try it today! Ask a dumb question of a smart person. Then ask another. Admit that you do not know much and that you appreciate their "expertise," and then, watch the flood gates OPEN WIDE!
Enjoy it…dummy!
*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to – http://grow-learn-lead.blogspot.com
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