Morning Motivator – What is Your Angle?

"If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person's point of view and see things from that person's angle as well as from your own."
- Henry Ford

Someone recently noted her amazement that I ALWAYS seem to be "working an angle."I must admit, I was AMAZED that they were not.

When you got up for work today and picked out your clothes… what was your angle?  What were you trying to PROJECT or ACHIEVE in your attire?  An air of distinguished confidence, the need to feel comfort in the workplace or maybe just NOT to offend anyone (hello accountants!)?

Everyone, all the time, always has an angle.  People are ALWAYS working for something.  There is a reason you are friends with people, why you do or do not email someone, why you hold out on making a decision about dinner for 15 minutes.  You are WEIGHING your options to determine what one BEST SERVES your needs.  Admit it… we are all self-centered, self-indulgent, self- serving people. 

The MASTERING of "working angles" comes from one's ability to continually engage people in a manner that allows them to serve in part of the solution while fulfilling their personal needs as well.  If you can solve your problem by solving someone else's problem, then what is the issue?!

Seeking MUTUAL benefit in your "angle" is what will catalyze one's ability to achieve more rapidly than others will.  For those that believe it is in poor taste or "salesy" to ask people to ask people for help or assume they will be a part of your goals, well, good luck to ya!  You have a long, hard road ahead…

For those that RECOGNIZE that people are what drive your success, they will find ways to be INCLUSIVE of others in their goals, solving challenges and rewarding or reciprocating along the way.

So, what is my angle with the Morning Motivator?  To make you more aware of what others are doing so when we become community leaders, we do not have people that think in silos.


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