Morning Motivator - Get a Real Education...

"Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education."
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

When do we STOP learning? At what point are we as EDUCATED as can be? Why do we have such a FOCUS on continued learning?

As a learned society, we are always seeking ENHANCEMENT. Enhancement of self, status, finances and community. Yet, what is the GREATEST achievement of our education? It is the QUALITY of character we develop as a result of a greater understanding.

By improving our CHARACTER, we are able to more easily enhance ourselves and our surroundings. By furthering our EDUCATION, we are more able to enhance our CHARACTER...

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: Education is NOT always a formal setting of attending a class or seminar. More commonly, the BEST education is achieved by SELF-EDUCATION.

By committing to reading a chapter per day of a book, you are able to EDUCATE yourself. In this manner you are able efficiently and effectively LEARN, such that in a year you will become more the expert than most people with a FORMAL education.

Make a list of the 30 best books you can read to become an EXPERT in your area of interest. Use your local library or purchase them as you go down the list. You will see a distinct impact in your EDUCATION and CHARACTER growing daily...

Cheers, Zach

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