Morning Motivator - Sure, I’ll Pay 80% Taxes...

"Business is a trade of financial security for emotional security."
- Zachary Barker

Why is it that the "monday morning" politician always want to cut taxes - no matter what!? Do not get me wrong, I want to pay less taxes also. That is not from the fact that I think I pay too much in taxes... It is that I get too little in services!

The question we need to solve in our community is not HOW much we are paying, but what we are paying for. Are you getting excellent service when you go to the DMV? How about when you go to the parks... are they clean and well maintained? Are the streets being repaired in a timely fashion??

Would you complain less about taxes if you felt welcomed, appreciated and received exceptional service from your government??

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: When you look at your business and your government, do you see similarities? What would you do to fix your governments services? Are you doing those same things in your business??

Success in business is often about an increased awareness of needs in the marketplace. Once you are able to identify the needs of the people -private or public sector - you can then fill those needs and create opportunity for yourself. What if you could create a service that would circumvent the DMV? What if you could skip the TSA lines at the airport - every time!? What if your were able to figure out a way to better educate children... even if it cost more!?!

People will pay. People will GLADLY pay more for better. Find ways to solve issues - public and private - then watch the opportunities explode!!



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