Morning Motivator – The Danger of “TRY”

"Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anyone else expects of you. Never excuse yourself."
-Henry Ward Beecher

I sat with a colleague and former associate at NationLink Monday morning and he asked how I was doing. I responded with "Great! I'm finding great success and balance in my life." I also went on to tell him how my experience with them was INVALUABLE and what great business lessons I learned… one of the most IMPORTANT being committed to success. This means never allowing yourself to TRY – just to DO!

We often hear that the most difficult step in anything is the first step. Very fair statement. Why is that? Most often its either FEAR or lack of DIRECTION. And with those challenges follows the fatal words – "Im TRYING to (fill in your half hearted goal here)." My mentors at NationLink taught me that TRY is nothing more than giving yourself an opportunity to wiggle out of SUCCESS. It an excuse waiting to happen! Rather than TRY… DO! I WILL complete this proposal today, rather than I am trying to have it done by today.


The idea of TRYING versus DOING is simply a mind set you must adopt. Analyze your most recent shortcomings… were you "TRYING" or "DOING"? The assurance here is that when you COMMITT and FOCUS on accomplishing the task at hand – your SUCCESS RATE increases to near 100% certainty. Want to make an even STRONGER certainty – write it down, be specific, put a completion date on it. Your SUCCESS is waiting for you … it quit TRYING to find you years ago!


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