Morning Motivator – Focusing on Friendships: A Uhaul Story

"A man should choose a friend who is better than himself. There are plenty of acquaintances in the world; but very few real friends."
-Chinese Proverb

This weekend I moved into a new home - a critical step in the execution of my personal vision plan. Last summer, I committed to becoming a more active part of the Nashville community and knew that I must live in Nashville to do so. I was very pleased to see that my friends were more than willing, if able, to help me in fulfilling this dream.

During the move, a comment was made, "I never realized how important a good network of friends is until I moved." I thought about the comment and found myself wondering - how successful I could be without my support network? I thought the times I needed a simple favor, some helpful information, or just someone to listen and help me through a difficult decision. The I wondered – how solid are MY friends networks of trusted friends? Do you have people you KNOW you can reach out to for help? Do you have someone that will ALWAYS support you, even if they don't agree with you? I have some thoughts if you feel you are lacking…

The key to lasting bonds of friendship is the time and energy to invest into knowing someone – their personality, their goals, their dreams and even their faults. In order to get to a point of KNOWING someone, you must first MEET them. So the best coaching I can provide is to take the first step and GET INVOLVED!

You have many resources to meet people who are similar in values, ideas and passions. Here are a few places you can meet people:
- Church
- Chambers of Commerce
- Sports Leagues
- Clubs (rotary, Kiwanis, etc)

Overcome your fears of "being a stranger," say hello, ask a question, start a conversation – then enjoy YOUR network of friends!


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