Morning Motivator – Taking Ownership of Fear

"The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear."
-Brian Tracy

What is your biggest fear? Spiders, tight rooms, noises in the night? Are you fearful of you talents? Abilities? Potential to accomplish ALL of your successes? I know for many years I have not always given my best efforts – mostly out of a fear of over accomplishing my goals. Sounds silly?

What people posses in their arsenal of talents and abilities far outweighs their ability to focus and act. Most of us have many GREAT IDEAS that never make it any further than meaningless babble from our mouths. ALL TALK – NO ACTION! Interestingly, if you FOCUS on a core idea from a high level, many of the actions beneath it are a requirement to accomplish your end goal.

I share with you this: On July 21, 2008 I will turn 30 years old. I have committed to myself that I will gift myself a meaningful piece of body art (aka tattoo) to signify this great day and the journey of my life thus far. I have also made a commitment to myself that I will not allow myself this art, unless I am at or under 200lbs body weight. The body art is very important to me… the desire to been lean is too … the coupling of the two with a decided focus to accomplish these is what will ENSURE my success!

Fear is not something you can bottle up and throw away. The best away to overcome any fear is to identify it and face it head on. Most often your fear is nothing more than a psychological block you have placed to protect yourself from rejection.

DEFINE a SUCCESS you wish to accomplish in the next 90 days – write it on a piece of paper and place it on your refrigerator. Look at it every day and make 1 decided effort daily to accomplish this goal. In 90 days you WILL have accomplished it… enjoy the reward!

(I have placed a scale next to my refrigerator WITH my piece of paper… ouch!)


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