Morning Motivator – Are You Committed to Your Vision?

"Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach."
- Tom Robbins
One of the common themes I find in businesses and personal plans is a concern regarding "lack of commitment" to EXECUTING plans.  Often labeled as a lack of ACCOUNTABILITY in execution.  Why is this so common?  Answer:  Its where the IDEAS finally meet the WORK.
What does this mean to you in your business or even in your personal life?  It equates to your ABILITY to be successful.  Your commitment to defining your vision, setting goals and EXECUTING them with PASSIONATE purpose is the difference in most people that ACHIEVE or falter.  We all have BRILLIANT, CREATIVE ideas.  For those that have defined a VISION for their life, they also have defined a purpose (sounds like you have done a lot of work), BUT the DIFFERENCE will ALWAYS come down to EXECUTION.  Take ACTION and STAY COMMITTED to your vision – if you believe in your soul that you are doing the right things, then a down month, or a lost opportunity is NOT a cause for concern.  Those things WILL happen!  IF your vision is solid and you are committed to WORKING it – you WILL achieve your goals.
My challenge for years was always that I was the "IDEA GUY" – full of great ideas but can't get a thing done with any of them.  The person that takes on 100 tasks and completes them all half way, but never a single one all the way through.  Here's what I have learned:
By focusing on the ONE MOST IMPORTANT task that aligns with my VISION and PURPOSE – I achieve results more effectively and efficiently.  When you EXECUTE with laser like focus, you will find that most tasks are EASY and SIMPLE to manage.  Often, tasks require little effort or little outside involvement.  SIMPLIFY your goals and take on the MOST IMPORTANT tasks first.  You will find you can do more in a day than you ever imagined!


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