Morning Motivator - Why Use the Blowtorch at Both Ends of Your Candle

"Time is what prevents everything from happening all at once."
- John Archibald Wheeler

"Burning the candle at both ends.". What a great visual and truly encompassing of what myself and most of you do regularly. Why do we work so damn hard? (Great question I know)

Allow me to share my insight - personally, I work for LIFESTYLE. The ability to create a PASSION in others that provides them success, generate just enough income to EXPLORE myself and the world, as well as feel SECURE about my future relating to LOVE, COMMUNITY and FINANCES.

I believe that we each are working towards a BIGGER picture - maybe its FAMILY, WEALTH or PERSONAL ENRICHMENT. What I DO know is this... you MUST have a clear vision of what it is you want, in order to CONFIDENTLY move forward towards realizing those dreams. Once you are clear, you will find the candle can burn from ONE end... And much slower.

A lack of CLARITY is the cause of most frustrations. Not knowing WHAT you should be doing and WHY you should be doing it will alleviate a lot of STRESS you have in you personal and professional life.

Do you have a VISION for your future? If not, that is where you need to begin. I can help you accomplish this if desired - let me know if interested.


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