Morning Motivator - Sometimes Coal is More Precious than a Diamond

"Diamonds are nothing more than chunks of coal that stuck to their job."
- Malcolm Stevenson Forbes

Last night, I celebrated my good friend, Ben Prom's, birthday and found myself in a discussion about "reaping what we sow". Amazingly, the final comment was... "The key is to make sure you stick long enough to enjoy the harvest.". What did that mean?

As individuals, we often are PASSIONATE and FOCUSED on a hot, new idea that we BELIEVE will change our lifestyle. We give it 200% effort for a week, a month, a year and then... Well, you know what happens. So who BENEFITS from all the work you did? ANSWER: Someone that does not DESERVE your success byproducts.

Are you clear on the time line of your efforts? How long will it take to see your work become FRUITFUL? If you do not know, do you think its important to? MAKE SURE YOU DON'T QUIT, ONE STEP FROM SUCCESS...

Having an ACTION PLAN that includes expectations based on a time line will serve you very kindly.

By defining SPECIFIC targets with time-based measurements, you will be able to keep FOCUSED while making sure you "stick" all the way until you realize your SUCCESS!

Its always a challenge to persist and keep passion in a dream that doesn't develop quickly... STAY PASSIONATE and know I am excited to share in your dreams! Have a great weekend.


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