Morning Motivator – How We Can Learn From Great Business Leaders

"The best corporate leaders never point out the window to blame external conditions; they look in the mirror and say 'we are responsible for our results!'"
- Jim Collins, Author of "Good to Great"

Lately we are hearing a lot about the economy and how bad it is, Everyone is BLAMING any misfortune on it. If it is so bad, then how are so many people becoming WEALTHY? Are they SMARTER than us? Are they benefiting from the losses of others somehow? What is it they are doing DIFFERENTLY?

Likely, they have made a SIMPLE decision about the economy – IT DOESN'T MATTER. And why should it? People still need to buy food, clothes, homes, have financing, will still watch TV, drink a beer, yadda yadda yadda... So why do we BELIEVE the economy is so bad and what can we DO to change it?

First, get all that NEGATIVE junk out of your head. Your job is only in jeopardy if you add less value than you bring… if that's the case – work smarter. Find ways to do more with less.

Second, DECIDE what you are going to ACCOMPLISH and WRITE IT DOWN. Ideas are only DREAMS until they are physically represented – pen/paper, email, smoke signals, etc…

Lastly (and most CRITICAL)… are you ready?... this is BIG… good time for notes… ok – TAKE ACTION!! Stop talking about it and do it! Even a step in the wrong direction is better than nothing. You will find it a GREAT lesson and help in guiding you the correct way OR you will find it was the RIGHT decision and then you are ahead of the game. TAKE ACTION… you will tell yourself thank you later.

I wish you all a wonderful weekend and for those going to Steeplechase, come by and see me at spots 566/567.


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