Morning Motivator – A New Look at Project Management

"There are many ways of going forward, but only one way of standing still."
-Franklin D. Roosevelt

Last night was the Professional Development series in the NAJCC. We had a great guest speaker, Sallie Hussey of Management Solutions Group, chat with us about the keys to SUCCESSFUL Project Management.

As I was listening and taking notes, I began to think about what PROJECTS I had been working on. BarkLoud, NAJCC, house rehab, speaking… then it occurred to me – I AM THE PROJECT and the SUCCESS is in MANAGING myself effectively. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be deep and dynamic in this thought process, rather looking at my DEVELOPMENT as a project – a special goal, with limited resources, a specific desired end result and a time frame to complete it in.

Consider this. Your life is ONGOING with no breaks or stoppages along the way to regroup. To ACHIEVE your dreams, how can you best identify the needed RESOURCES to achieve? See… you are a PROJECT. So what are you doing to ensure the QUALITY of your MOST IMPORTANT project?

All good project managers take a few CRITICAL steps to ensure the success of their project:

1. Write a plan of action – who, what, when, where, why, how

2. Identify the needed resources to complete and procure them – money, time, people, knowledge, etc

3. Schedule time to complete tasks and review along the way – if you don't block the time to do it, you will NOT complete the project on time

4. Be flexible and make changes as conditions and resources change – don't be afraid to change your goal or shut it down if it doesn't make sense

5. Review your successes and failures once the project is complete – use the intermittent reviews along with an overall review

6. CELEBRATE! - you finished on time, on budget and learned from the project… you deserve some time in the sun!

I again make note of my most favorite saying from my mentor, Andy Herzer – "We all overestimate what we can accomplish in one day, and underestimate what we can accomplish in one year." Make your life a series of manageable projects and you will find you achieve more, with less. Got get em!


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