Morning Motivator - Learn from a Master

"No, a fool learns from experience. A wise man learns from the experience of others."
- Otto von Bismarck

Sometimes I stop to think about the UNCERTAINTY of tomorrow and my NEED to live for today. Since, we cannot walk around like Chicken Little waiting for the sky to fall, we must PREPARE for tomorrow so we can enjoy it most. With a finite number of days in front of you ... Best make each one AWESOME!

The PREPARATION for tomorrow is learned by either: A. Experience or B. Others experiences. One is PAINFUL and LENGTHY, the other INSIGHTFUL and BRIEF. The WISDOM of mentors is often a tremendous advantage over others in similar scenarios.

A mentor does not ensure your success, yet having a trusted EXPERT advisor will always serve well. Think about the 100 ways your mom busted you doing bad things - NEWS FLASH, its because she did them too and you will your bust your kids the same way. Hmmm, only if you had a mentor back then...

Seeking the WISDOM of others is an easy task to accomplish. Finding the RIGHT wisdom is the challenge.

When seeking EXPERT guidance, always look for someone that:
- has achieved "your" type of success
- shares your personality traits and values
- knows people you know and has a basis of your credibility
- has a willingness to teach and guide new talent

If you are able to find that special mentor to guide you in your learning, you will find your gains faster and your rewards more special. Now, get out there and find him/her!


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