Morning Motivator - The Lesson of a 30 Year Old Child...

"Technical foul number 8!"
- last night's referee

You probably guesses who number 8 was last night already... Me. Rather than sulk in my MAGNIFICENT display of childish behavior, I am going to teach a lesson about "keeping your cool."

Business, much like sports, is really a test of mental DISCIPLINE and FOCUS. When you lose your COOL, often you lose your deal (or game). Why do we lose our cool though? Sometimes it is because we are ill-equipped with the RIGHT skill set, lack TEAMWORK or just become so DETERMINED to prove we "can do it," that we try TOO HARD and end up failing in spite of ourselves.

We are all CHALLENGED with a desire to EXCEL and ACHIEVE - sometimes an OVERWHELMING desire. There are simple ways in which we can better PREPARE ourselves for the challenges we face that will keep us from losing our cool. By PREPARING properly, we can manage our emotions, actions and subsequently our RESULTS.

When you find yourself under the gun and in the heat of the moment (shall I add another trite phrase?), here are some easy tips to HELP keep your COOL:

* Stop, breathe, and center yourself. Under stress, we usually stop breathing. Without knowing it we close the throat, tense up, and get ready for a fight. We react to the perceived opponent and lose perspective, awareness, and the ability to make wise choices – just when we need these faculties the most. So stop, notice your tension, and open your breathing. Let the incoming breath reconnect you with a higher purpose so that you can engage your opponent in more purposeful ways.

* Become curious. Why would any reasonable human being behave this way? An attitude of curiosity is unbelievably useful in difficult moments. It introduces a learning stance and transforms anger. Curiosity brings you back to center.

* See the different parts of people. When we're angry, we see only the part of our "opponent" that we're upset with. Look for other parts – the big brother; loyal friend; doting grandma; proud mother – and talk to that part. You'll find yourself communicating differently.

* Inquire and listen. Asking an honest and sincere question to try to understand the other person is a powerful antidote to anger. As you become quiet and attentive, you also give yourself time to breathe, center, and regain control of your emotions. Listening is an art and an ally under stress.

* State your thoughts, hopes, and feelings. When you take the time to center yourself, understand your emotions, and listen to your conflict partner, you're more likely to communicate a message your partner can hear.

Take a lesson from the 30 year old that acted like he was 10... Keeping Your COOL will help achieve your goals. If you lose, you are almost guaranteed to ruin whatever great accomplishments you made (like leading your team in scoring... and fouls). Keep COOL...


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