Morning Motivator - Use What Works for You

"Please just use what works for you and let go of the rest."
- Buddha

Have you ever worked with someone that ALWAYS felt a need to prove they were right? Have you ever been THAT person?

When you consider it in terms of a RELATIONSHIP - have you ever had to have the Last Word? Why?

Most of have an UNCANNY ability to talk too much and not listen enough. Often, we ENGAGE in discussions that perpetuate based solely on the need someone to have a FINAL word. Consider how much GREATER your productivity would be if you just took what you NEEDED and let the rest go!

In your next board meeting or group discussion, STOP before you decide to "echo" someones thoughts.

If it has been said already, albeit maybe not as eloquently as you may have put it, let it go.

More often than not, you will find that the REAL VALUE in the discussion is uncovered in the first 3-5 mins and all the remaining BANTER is just junk.

Keep the good stuff and let the rest slide by...


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