Morning Motivator - What Are You Learning?

"Growth is just a fancy word for learning."
- unknown

When you think about doing more and achieving more... What is the key to that SUCCESS?

Education is ALWAYS the key. The more YOU know, the BETTER you are able to serve yourself and those around you. You will generate more MONEY, make better FRIENDS and ENHANCE your position in the community.

Do you really BELIEVE its a coincidence that often leaders are attorneys, physicians, professors, etc? Is it just LUCK that the best business people are born smarter than others?

When you consider who LEADS and who FOLLOWS, always seek education as a leading indicator of success.

Do you need a FORMAL education to be successful? Not at all...

Commit to reading 1 book per month on your preferred subject. If you continue that commitment - you WILL be more the expert than 95% of other people. Remember... Your EDUCATION is in YOUR hands!!


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