Morning Motivator - Stop Being You...

"In order to BE the one who will have what you want, you must give up BEING the one who doesn't have it."
- Tony Milliken, The Milliken Companies (Nashville, Tn)

I was asked to speak recently to a group. They were seeking CHANGE in the attitudes of their people. Good thought... As long as its a POSITIVE change.

When I asked what I should speak SPECIFICALLY about what the topic should be, the response was "They want to be better and can't seem to breakthrough.". GREAT!!

This is a PERFECT time to make the clear point... You want POSITIVE CHANGE?? Start making positives CHANGES!

This is really quite SIMPLE...

Want to lose WEIGHT?
Change your diet to something more positive and work out more

Want to make more MONEY?
If in sales - make more qualified sales calls. If in management - seek the certifications to make you stand out.

Want to find that SPECIAL someone?
Stop going home after work everyday - go to the gym, join a civic group, do anything to meet people...

BECOMING the person you want is very SIMPLE... Its a DECISION! Make the choice, do the work and I will meet you on the other side of SUCCESS.


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