Morning Motivator - What Is Enough?

"A man who is unwilling to let go lives in scarcity. The man that gives freely, lives in abundance."
- unknown

How much is "enough"? What is enough Money... Success... Friendship... Education... Religion? When do we DECIDE we have enough and what do we DO then?

I spoke with a gentleman last night about a business need and the discussion TURNED into one of personal PURPOSE. We chatted about PROSPERITY and its definition. About COMMUNITY and its role in our lives. We also spoke of ABUNDANCE and when you have "enough."

Interestingly, we DETERMINED that there is no capability of defining "ENOUGH." One million dollars MAY be enough for you, yet not for another. A PhD may be EXCESSIVE education for some yet, still not enough for other and even yet UNNECESSARY for a select few.

The real question is... Is HAPPINESS enough? And if so, how do YOU define happiness?

Most people will say that in their life, they "just want to be happy." My challenge to them is always DEFINING it.

What will your life look like when you are "happy?" Think about job, family, finances, recreation, religion, etc...

Once you have YOUR purpose and focus for "happy," the definition of "enough" will also be revealed.


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