Morning Motivator - What if You Had No Fear?

"What would you do if you were not afraid?"
- excerpt from Who Moved My Cheese

Last night, Mr. Allen McDonald, of Baker, Story, McDonald Properties, presented to Junior Chamber on the book, "Who Moved My Cheese."

One of the CORE points in the review was the discussion of FEAR and ACTION. Specifically... What would you do if you were no longer AFRAID? Consider the POSSIBILITIES...

How many NEW clients would you have? How many new RELATIONSHIPS would you develop? What CAREER would you pursue?

In thinking about the question: "what would you do if you were not afraid?"... I believe the better question is "what WOULDN'T you do if you were not afraid?"

Maybe even the better statement to consider: "what is out there to REALLY be afraid of?!"

Failure, embarrassment, financial loss, etc? Which one is PERMANANT and UNRECOVERABLE?

SERIOUSLY... Which of those are REALLY worth being afraid of?


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