Morning Motivator – Being the Smart Kid Sucks…

"The brighter you are, the more you have to learn."
-Don Herold

As I may have mentioned before, one of my FAVORITE TV shows is House on USA Network. I enjoy the interrelationships and CHALLENGES their team faces in a medical environment, along with a dash of sarcastic wit.

During a recent rerun episode, the leading physician, Dr. Gregory House, was NARROWING down his team and letting someone go. The person he chose to FIRE, was the most skilled and provided the same diagnosis as Dr. House. If he is so good – why fire him?

He wasn't NEEDED. He offered the same solutions as the lead member of the team. Had he produced the same solutions as ANY other member of the team – he would AGAIN be USELESS. A tough lesson to LEARN – especially when you are one of the best!

The burden of INTELLIGENCE (for those of us that have convinced ourselves we have it) is that we often like to PROVE how smart we are. Why? Often, we BELIEVE it is what makes us valuable.

I might contest your theory and share with you that the most VALUABLE person is the ONE person that doesn't agree with the group. The one that has all the "STUPID IDEAS" and can often be ridiculed for their thoughts.

Remember, it is the one NEW idea that is often the best. Additionally, if all you do is SUPPORT the ideas others already generated, how critical are you to the OVERALL success of the team.

Be a LEADER – offer up the unpopular idea… sometimes the "stupid answers" end up being the BEST!


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