Morning Motivator - Know Your Limits

"Don't limit your challenges. Challenge your limits."
- USC Trojan Women's Volleyball Team Motto

Has anyone ever said "you need to know your LIMITATIONS?" Have you ever been BOXED IN by someone else's BELIEF in your ability? How did you FEEL when they put that cap on your success?

This weekend, I was able to watch a few minutes of the USC Trojan Women's Volleyball team. I was so impressed by their collective FOCUS and AMBITION to continually raise their expectations of one another. This made me PONDER the idea of this type of positive support structure within the business environment. What if your office was based on TEAM success? What if sales GOALS were collaborative as opposed to internally competitive? What if the group was measured by its COLLECTIVE success and regulated by its internal team?

Imagine a company that drives its teams to work TOGETHER towards common goals and compensates based on CONTRIBUTIONS. Sales are a GREAT example... Every salesperson will say they are "on the team," yet, what happens when there is a question about who OWNS the account? The internal strife begins. How about when a project is UNDERTAKEN? In SUCCESSFUL management, everyone stakes a claim. In a FAILED project, no one wants to own anything. Why?

The group I lead currently, the Nashville Area Junior Chamber of Commerce, is very INSPIRING to me. Our group is devised to create FAILURE OPPORTUNITIES. Yes - we ENCOURAGE failure. Maybe a better way to say it could be, "We encourage RISK TAKING that may cause increased learning." (very 'PC' huh?)

Why encourage FAILURE? Simply, it is the best way to LEARN. Learning increases your LIMITS (or perceived limitations). Increased "limits" means GREATER success.

Hopefully you see that pattern... the more you LEARN by trying, the greater you become. CHALLENGE your limits. Grow your SUCCESS. After all, the big SECRET about limits is that the only thing that is LIMITING you... is YOU!

Have a great week of BREAKING THROUGH your limits!


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