Morning Motivator - It's Not Just Your Underwear

"It's not that some people have will power and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not."
- James Gordon, MD

CHANGE is a buzzword right now in North American society. The word has been used to LEVERAGE power and communicate intent.

Many of us want to CHANGE too - our finances, love life, profession and more. The REALITY is everyday, each of these things change. They alter from yesterdays standing - POSITIVE or NEGATIVE... Different.
Understanding change is CONSTANT - what should be done to ENSURE positive change??

GOAL SETTING is one of the best ways to create a FOCUSED effort towards controlling change.

By DETERMINING what END GOAL we are working towards, we become better able to make QUICK decisions that are both POSITIVE towards our end goal and EFFECTIVE in execution.

Do you have a GOAL? Is it written down? WRITE it down... And enjoy the FOCUS that follows.


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