Morning Motivator - That's a Stupid Idea!

"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
- John Cage

Have you ever been the "odd man out" in a meeting? The one that BUCKED the trend and went AGAINST the general agreement?

How did the others in the MEETING perceive you? Were you the UNPOPULAR voice in the crowd? Did you hear the GRUMBLES as you made your points?

Ever found LATER that you were the only person that was RIGHT?

INNOVATION is a good word to become familiar with. It describes the PROCESS of new ideas, experimentation, validation and implementation.

Its the process of taking SILLY ideas and TRYING them that has brought us things like pace makers, automobiles and the beloved BlackBerry®.

Without NEW ideas, we FAIL to GROW. Without growth, we accept STAGNATION... Then we begin to DIE.

Don't be AFRAID to be the lone voice of INNOVATION... Henry Ford, Albert Einstein and Bill Gates said its not so bad after all.


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