Morning Motivator – Playing the Game

"If you must play, decide on three things at the start: the rules of the game, the stakes, and the quitting time."
-Chinese Proverb

Business and relationships are very SIMILAR to a sports game. They often have 2 teams, multiple scenarios for success or failure and a DESIRE by both sides to "WIN."

I have been reading the book, "Getting to Yes" by Roger Fisher and William Ury and in it the authors discuss the idea of a mutually beneficial NEGOTIATION strategy. Imagine that!! Finding a way for BOTH sides to win in a negotiation… what a NOVEL idea!! (Sarcasm included at no charge on Tuesdays)

The book mentions establishing PRINCIPLES for your negotiation. Just like a game. You set the rules, your play within a certain time frame and you set goals for ACHIEVEMENT. How many people have YOU negotiated with where you felt like the only MOTIVATION they had was to "make sure they won at any costs?"


When you consider your goal in any NEGOTIATION, you must realize that you seek to attain your objective…simply that. No more, no less.

Often, we get into the "heat of the battle" and get TUNNEL VISION. We are challenged personally and then decide "I want it all!" Yet, how PRODUCTIVE is a negotiation that ends in one party feeling as if they have been run over? How EFFICIENT is the process if it requires multiple back and forth steps to finally get things resolved?

Seek simple GOALS and EFFICIENT agreement. By establishing the goals up front and agreeing to the terms of the manner of negotiation, you will set GUIDELINES for the "game" that allow both parties to WIN…


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