Morning Motivator – The Pursuit of a Master

"We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master."
- Ernest Hemingway

First, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Deanna McLannahan, Ashley Larcinese, Earnest Hemingway, Robin Williams (and me)!!

Today is my 31st birthday (also known as the 2nd anniversary of my 29th). I am so PLEASED to say that this past year has been the BEST of my life and I am on the path to GREAT "success," as I define it for myself!

As a "wiser, older" man these days, I am able to CONFIDENTLY share my experience on what behaviors breed the best end results. Yes, BEHAVIOR, also known as the positive or negative actions repeated daily as the "stepping stones" to your achievement. By FOCUSING on areas of your life in short-term, manageable time frames, you become better enabled to execute simple actions needed to create POSITIVE routines. In the past year, I focused on growing a close personal relationship with Nancy and achieved very well. I also focused on being a LEADER in my work and my community, both of which I feel I attained. Small goals led to the bigger ones which result in the BIG REWARDS!

This year, I will focus on my PERSONAL development – physical health, education and execution. I am ESTABLISHING my goals this week, as I traditionally do the week of my birthday, and will gladly SHARE them once developed. The goals will be set around HEALTH (i.e. body fat, fitness, diet); EDUCATIONAL development (i.e. graduate school acceptance, increased self education, mentorship) and EXECUTION process (i.e. Management processes, building a business, creating franchise models). The FOCUS is to level out the areas that are lacking BALANCE… in a manageable and measurable manner.

I would LOVE to become a MASTER of any skill and being a master of MY success sounds best! Wouldn't you agree?

I have learned that defining "YOUR" version of success is the first key step, followed by defining the 90 day action tasks that must be started to achieve. Keep an eye on how you BALANCE your time between development, recreation and professional commitments.

Once you LEARN to master the self assessment, action planning and continual review, you will also MASTER the execution of getting to your goals. Yes, your goals WILL change… yet if you continually seek to MASTER each area of your life, you will always be in pursuit of the BEST SUCCESS for yourself!


*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to –

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