Morning Motivator - A Wrong Step in the Right Direction

"A person should set his goals as early as he can and devote all his energy and talent to getting there. With enough effort, he may achieve it. Or he may find something that is even more rewarding. But in the end, no matter what the outcome, he will know he has been alive."
- Walt Disney (1966)

Do you know what the COOLEST thing about goal setting is? Whether you goals are right or wrong, you will ALWAYS find the goal you are SEEKING.

Think about the goals you ESTABLISHED when you were 18, 21 or even 25... How do they fit into your life NOW? Have they CHANGED? I know mine have... CONSIDERABLY!!

Interestingly, the way my goals CHANGED, was by ACHIEVING some and then discovering they were WRONG! Then it became EASIER to alter other goals based on my understanding of my VALUES and CHARACTER.

By continually SETTING goals, working towards them and REFINING them based on your maturity, you are BETTER able to focus your efforts.

You will begin to find CLARITY and PRECISION in your goal setting. You will begin to set more SPECIFIC goals that align specifically with your needs and interests.

Take a step! Even a step in the WRONG direction will result in an ADJUSTMENT towards what's right...


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