Morning Motivator - Man in the Mirror

"If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change."
- Michael Jackson, Man in the Mirror

Our communities are STRUGGLING. Businesses are FAILING. People are LOSING jobs.

Are you DEPRESSED yet? There is GREAT NEWS... change happen TODAY!

SUCCESS and FAILURE are choices. Yes, I said CHOICES. We either ACCEPT our place in the world and allow others to attain our DREAMS or we FIGHT for what we want, until we get it!

Achieving success is discovered by the continued execution of PRODUCTIVE behaviors.

When you CHOOSE to meet the right people - you become POWERFUL. By CHOOSING to read and study - you become an EXPERT. By CHOOSING to eat well - you become STRONG.

When you choose to be LAZY... You choose to SUCCEED as well - by becoming the BEST of "the non-productive."

Change starts with YOU... Will you CHOOSE it?


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