Morning Motivator - Try Something New...

"If you're not failing every now and again, it's a sign you're not doing anything very innovative."
- Woody Allen

You are pretty SUCCESSFUL aren't you? You are doing well at work. Pretty good at home too. Even doing OK with that diet. CONGRATS... now is time to try something NEW!

The TRAP of success is COMPLACENCY. You find success in COLD CALLING, thus you "assume" it is the most effective way. You have kept a MARRIAGE going strong by having a WEEKLY date night, again, assuming because it has worked the past few years, it will CONTINUE. You quit eating RED MEAT and now you feel fantastic... why ever go back?

SUCCESSFUL people are perpetual learners and risk takers. That doesn't mean they are all pursuing a PhD in advanced physics or are betting their life savings on the HOT stock option. It DOES mean that they are continually EXPLORING new ideas, opportunities and learning from the successes of OTHERS. Additionally, they are willing to TRUST their creativity and ingenuity to provide them with the fuel to "build a better mouse trap."

What makes you successful is your WILLINGNESS to learn or know more than others, coupled with your GUILE and EXECUTION.

What makes others MORE or LESS successful than you is their willingness to listen, learn and apply the opportunities they are presented with. If you are MORE willing - it is likely that you are MORE successful. If you are LESS willing - then you know why you "are where you are" as well...

CHALLENGE yourself to take a risk in the next week. Research the OPTIONS over the weekend, APPLY the action (making sure it is OUT of your comfort zone) and then ANALYZE its effect afterward.

You may be surprised to find that you just FOUND your key to success hidden under a shroud of FEAR and RISK.


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